Welcome to thorlabs_elliptec’s documentation!

This is a python interface to Thorlabs Elliptec series of piezoelectric motion stages and mounts. It should support all models including:

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL6 SM1 threaded dual-position slider

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL7 linear stage

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL8 rotation stage

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL9 SM1 threaded four-position slider

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL10 linear stage

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL12 SM05 threaded six-position slider

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL14 SM1 threaded rotation mount

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL17 28 mm travel linear stage

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL18 rotation stage

  • Thorlabs Elliptec ELL20 60 mm travel linear stage

As of version 1.0, all basic functionality is implemented. However, the “multi-drop” capability which allow multiple devices to share a single serial port device is not yet implemented. This means that to control more than one device, each device must be connected via its own serial port (such as a dedicated USB to serial adaptor). The multi-drop feature is planned, and hopefully will be implemented soon in a future release.

Source code is at https://gitlab.com/ptapping/thorlabs-elliptec.

Python Package Index (pypi) page at https://pypi.org/project/thorlabs-elliptec.

Documentation online at https://thorlabs-elliptec.readthedocs.io.

The documentation from Thorlabs on the Elliptec serial communication protocol may also be of use.

User Guide

API Documentation

Indices and tables